12 Ekim 2017 ( 2 izlenme )

Three Smoothies for Healthy, Beautiful Nails worth trying

Healthy, portable, and convenient, smoothies are an ideal choice for afternoon snack, breakfast or dessert. They provide vital minerals, proteins, and vitamins from ingredients like fruits, tofu, and yoghurt. Here are three smoothies for healthy, beautiful nails. 

 Addictive Morning Wonder

 Like the name suggest, addictive morning wonder smoothie is addictive, and makes nails grow wildly fast. Recommendable beauty smoothie tastes nice and looks appealing.


1 cup of coconut water or water

3 to 4 kale leaves

3 Collard greens leaves (wash well before use)

4 leaves of chard

5 pieces of frozen strawberry

15 to 20 frozen blueberries

1 spoonful of protein powder/ garden of life

Sabuzon Acai Powder/ Fountain Youth

 Place the ingredients in a blender and let run until smooth. Serve cold or warm. Best smoothie for morning use.

 Orange Dream Creamsicle

 Make a combination of the below ingredients into a blender, process them until they become smooth. Orange dream creamsicle is easy to make, takes short time and tastes great.


1 orange, peel in advance and roughly chop

¼ glass of low fat/treated yoghurt

5 ice cubes

2 tablespoons of orange juice, make them frozen and concentrated

¼ teaspoon of extract vanilla

 Mango Madness


8 ounce pineapple juicy pieces

1 glass of lowfat/treated vanilla yoghurt

1 huge mango chopped and peeled

Crushed ice cube

1 sliced banana

 To make the mango madness smoothie, first, blend the pineapple, mango, yoghurt, and banana until they become smooth. With the mixture in the blender and still running, place the crushed ice and continue bending until pureed.

The three smoothies for healthy, beautiful nails are the super and miraculous mixture that does wonder. When taken regularly, these smoothies give results, one can change in between the three occasionally. Try these every morning and get long beautiful nails, even hair. Anyone trying these loves them and lives a long healthy life. The three smoothies for healthy, beautiful nails described above gives natural and long term results.

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