19 Kasım 2018 ( 0 izlenme )

AKP’den lobi şirketlerine milyonlarca dolar yağdırmaya devam

Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’ın genel başkanı olduğu AKP, ABD’deki lobi şirketlerine hız kesmeden milyonlarca dolar aktarmaya devam ediyor. Döviz sıkıntısının had safhaya ulaştığı bugünlerde AKP, Amerikan lobi şirketlerine ödenen milyonlarca dolardan tasarruf yapmıyor.

AKP geçen yıl ABD’de ‘siyasi, askeri , ekonomik ve tanıtım’ politikaları için  lobi şirketlerine 10 milyon dolardan fazla para ödedi.
ABD Adalet Bakanlığı , ülkelerin 2017 yılında   lobi şirketlerine ödediği  6’şar aylık dönemi kapsayan ücretlerle ilgili  raporu Kongre’ye gönderdi. 
(Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended, for the six months ending June 30, 2017)

Buna göre , Türkiye’nin lobi şirketleri ve ödenen paraların dökümü şöyle:

5W Public Relations, $59,410.10 for the six month period ending November 30, 2017
Advanced Advocacy, LLC  $120,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2017
Amsterdam & Partners, LLP   $150,000.00 for the six month period ending October 3, 2017
Arnold, Jim  Finances:  None Reported
Ballard Partners        $750,000.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2017
Ballard Partners   Turkiye Halk Bankasi Anonim Sirketi (Halkbank, Inc.)    $375,000.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2017
Baytan, Ihsan Undersecretariat for Defense Industry (SSM) Turkish Ministry of National Defense $54,699.86 for the six month period ending November 30, 2017
BursonMarsteller, LLC (Washington, DC)  $687,500.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2017
Capitol Counsel, LLC   Republic of Turkey through Greenberg Traurig LLP      $216,000.00 for the six month period ending November 5, 2017
Daschle Group, LLC Republic of Turkey through Greenberg Traurig    Finances:  None Reported
Finn Partners, Inc. Finances:  None Reported
Gonzalez, Jason Brent  Republic of Turkey through Amsterdam & Partners, LLP     Finances:  None Reported
Greenberg Traurig, LLP     $850,000.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2017
King & Spalding LLP     Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Turkey  Finances:  None Reported
LB International Solutions, LLC   $135,000.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2017
Madison Group, LLC   Republic of Turkey through Amsterdam & Partners, LLP $175,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2017
Stroud Communications   $7,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2017
5W Public Relations, LLC Finances:  None Reported
Advanced Advocacy, LLC       $40,000.00 for the six month period ending March 31, 2017
Amsterdam & Partners, LLP   $250,000.00 for the six month period ending April 30, 2017
APCO Worldwide, Inc.    $247,136.25 for the six month period ending April 30, 2017
Arnold, Jim     $40,000.00 for the six month period ending April 30, 2017
Ballard Partners   Finances:  None Reported
Baytan, Ihsan    $55,286.00 for the six month period ending May 31, 2017
BursonMarsteller, LLC (Washington, DC)     $412,500.00 for the six month period ending June 30, 2017
Capitol Counsel, Finances:  None Reported
Capitol Counsel, LLC   $212,000.00 for the six month period ending May 31, 2017
Daschle Group, LLC   Finances:  None Reported
Flynn Intel Group, Inc. $530,000.00 received prior to registration.
Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC    $813,468.00 for the six month period ending January 31, 2017
Gonzalez, Jason Brent   Finances:  None Reported
Greenberg Traurig, LLP    $545,000.00 for the six month period ending April 30, 2017
Kindel Gagan      $45,000.00 for the six month period ending March 31, 2017
LB International Solutions, LLC  $112,500.00 for the six month period ending March 31, 2017
Madison Group, LLC  $112,500.00 for the six month period ending June 30, 2017
Monte Advisory Group, LLC    $4,970.00 for the six month period ending February 28, 2017
Prime Strategies, LLC    $20,000.00 for the six month period ending March 31, 2017
S.G.R. LLC Government Relations and Lobbying      $40,000.00 for the six month period ending March 31, 2017



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